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St. Patrick’s Primary School Legamaddy


5th Jun 2024
Our P7 had a tour to the Fofanny Water Treatment Works to help them learn more about...
5th Jun 2024
As part of the break the rules day activities Primary 5 collected data about the...
4th Jun 2024
 P7 children started their journey towards completing their cycling proficiency...
23rd May 2024
Primary 2 having been learning about Africa this week. We have been focusing on African...
23rd May 2024
23rd May 2024
This morning Rachel from Farm safety NI came to our school to talk to the children...
23rd May 2024
On Tuesday our P3/4 Gaelic team had a fantastic morning at the RGU. The skills on...
23rd May 2024
Break The Rules Day-Tuesday 4th June-All crime sheets have been sent home. 50p per...
23rd May 2024