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St. Patrick’s Primary School Legamaddy

Primary 7

Welcome to Primary 7. 
Your teacher this year is Mrs Reid and Rachel, Jenny, Catrina and Adam are our classroom assistants. 

P7 is a very busy period for our children and represents the conclusion of seven years at a very safe and happy environment for our P7 children. For many the first term is a testing time with a lot of Literacy, Numeracy but we still make sure we build in some practical fun and games along the way as we also learn about life in Famine Times in Ireland.

As the second and third term evolves we explore the themes of evidence, growth, responsibility and relationships within Personal Development and Mutual Understanding and we consider our own identity, culture and talents and compare and contrast them with our friends from other schools. The children also learn about the local and global impact of environmental affairs and how we can preserve, protect and enhance our changing world. We find out about Fairtrade and how food is traded over the world. 

We enjoy the special preparations that accompany the Sacrament of Confirmation and celebrate another stage in their faith journey. Primary 7 is also hectic for our school teams as our footballers, netballers and Gaelic teams embark on their campaigns for trophies. We aim to compete as well as we can in all the sports we enter and of course, athletics, gymnastics and swimming continue to finely tune our children’s talents.

After the exertions of Sports Day and our Residential, we travel along towards the end of the third term in which we celebrate the children’s achievements and record our memories and milestones. The Parish Community joins together with the Leavers’ Assembly and the Leavers’ Mass to wish our Primary 7 citizens best wishes as they move towards new challenges and post primary schooling. We embark on active programmes that will help the children to acclimatise in new surroundings. As the year ends we ask that our friends who are leaving the school stay in touch and never become strangers and thankfully they never disappoint. I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of life in Primary 7

B Reid



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Well done to all our Super Students this week.  Keep up the great work everyone. 
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Please click link for this week's Look In
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The children are enjoyed skill based stations and team games. 
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