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St. Patrick’s Primary School Legamaddy

Peace Proms

12th Feb 2020

Peace Proms Arrangements

It is fast approaching show date and we are all very excited in school with last minute preparations.

Sunday 1st March 7pm.

(Please be advised there are 2 shows on this day.)

Dress code is school trousers/skirt and plain white polo top. No logos on the white top.

Information for concert

Pupils will arrive at SSE Arena at 4.30pm.

We have been advised not to arrive before 4.30pm as the previous concert which is at 1pm will be leaving the area.

Parent Drop-offs - Parents should drop children off by parking in the main car park and walking over to the main foyer doors. The main car park is free for the first 30 mins. Parents should not park on the double yellow lines, as this will throw traffic into chaos.

The doors for the concert opening for families is 6.30pm. If you are not attending the concert and you need help with arranging lifts for your child to get to the Odyssey please get in touch. They may be able to share with one of their class mates. It is the parent’s responsibility to organise transport that day.

Rehearsal with orchestra at 5.00pm-5.40pm.

Pupils will have their packed lunch at 5.40pm-6.40pm.

Concert starts at 7.00pm and ends approx. 9.30pm.

Pupils need to bring any medication/inhalers which they might require.

  • Audience members are requested to remain seated if they are picking up in the Arena or leave if they have no-one to pick up.
  • Approx. 10mins after the show ends parents / guardians will be invited to pick their children up at their relevant Door. We are sitting in The North-Doors 18-19. This is where you will collect your child after the concert.
  • Parents should be advised not to enter the choir seating area, but should remain in the concourse and choir members will be handed out to them.

Choir photographs will be taken on the day for school purposes.  

The children can take the next day off school and will be marked present.

Looking forward to seeing you all there and please get in touch if you need anything.